Home :: Grocery Certificates :: $1000 In Grocery Savings

$1000 In Grocery Savings

$1000 In Grocery Savings
Our price: $15.00
The Grocery Savers Book provides you with the opportunity to order $1000 worth of brand name coupons of your choice. Includes items such as Cereal, Juices, Cookies, Crackers, Beverages, Frozen Foods, Canned Fruits/Vegetables, Dairy Items, Meat, Bread, Coffee, Soups, Sauces, Rice, Pasta, Condiments, Snack Foods, Diet Items, Baking Items, Spices, Paper & Plastic Goods, Household Items, Pet Items, Baby Products, Laundry Care, Body Care, and many other items. Select from over 1000 National Brand Products. These Manufacturers coupons are the same coupons you see in newspapers & magazines, and they represent cash savings.

When you pay the $15 processing/handling certificate redemption fee, you will be mailed the Grocery Savers Book.